Zagreb, Croatia


A pretty spectacular area of green and a dignified building are the first things you see when leaving the Zagreb train station.  You think you've arrived in some sort of paradise.  And while it's not all quite this nice, it is an interesting place worthy of a visit.


The look of contentment.  First order of business was to get Jamie some food she liked.  She was very happy with this pizza.


I've heard people in Minneapolis complain about our light rail being on the same streets as cars  That's nothing.  Above you can see a narrow street which cars also drive on, both directions. 


Zagreb has an upper and a lower town.  Here you can see one way to get from one to the other, a lift car.  It's not a bad climb up the stairs. 


Once at the top of the stairs, you can look out over lower town.


The front of Cathedral of the Assumption, first built in 1217.  It was destroyed and rebuilt a number of times throughout the years, but gained its current appearance in 1880-1902.


Inside the cathedral.


Taking the tram at night back out to our hotel.  Cheap accommodations in the city are hard to come by, so our place was about a 25 minute commute out.

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