Rab island, Croatia


Ah yes, finally, a tropical paradise.  As our ferry neared Rab island we thought... what the?!  It's a desert!


But the other side of the island looks like this.  Pretty strange.  It's pretty split 50-50 down the middle with the land side being completely devoid of plants.


To paraphrase A Christmas Story, it's smiling at me.  But it sure was tasty.  We ate on a balcony that was off the 2nd story of this restaurant.


From that balcony, we had a nice view of the sunset.


On our second day we walked to the town of Rab, about 30 minutes, and climbed a bell tower.  HERE is a nice panorama of the view.


Another view from the tower.

Here is a panoramic video of the beach on our second day on Rab island.  You pretty much pull up a piece of sidewalk or rock, and try to get comfortable.  Many people brought air mattresses or other pads.  We toughed it out.  VIDEO  3 MB 


Jamie was happier than she appears in this picture.  Here was our little dinner on our balcony just off our room.


On our third and last day we rented bikes.  This allowed us to get to an even better beach (see below).  After our time at the beach, I did a little extra biking.  I ended up going down a fairly rocky, somewhat difficult trail.  I came upon about a 3 foot snake at one point.  I was sending lizards and snakes scurrying for their lives.


This was our third day and the best beach yet.  We could actually lay in the shade if we wanted, under pine trees and on soft ground.  Or we could move our towels and be in the sun.


This was a view of the beach area on our third and last day on the island.



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