Pecs, Hungary


In southern Hungary is the beautiful town of Pecs ("paych").  Like Budapest, wonderful views were everywhere we turned.


There were a couple places on fences where we saw all these locks.  Due to engravings like "Beth and John December 1989" we think it must be a practice of people getting married to attach a lock to the pile.


Jamie bought this hand-made bag from the woman who made it. 

"Speakers Go Boom"    Dan, Dave and I got the idea to write a rap.  I had the idea of writing a spoof about loud car stereos and it turned into THIS.  17 MB  (warning: explicit lyrics)


There was an international folk festival going on in Pecs coincidentally while were we there.  It was great.  We saw folk dancers and musicians from Ireland, France, South Korea, Hungary, even TURKISH CYPRUS 4.7 MB


The large crowd gathered to watch the folk dancing near Bishop's Palace and the Cathedral.


The Cathedral.


I waited a long time in line for this treat.  It's rolled dough baked on rollers (see the oven), then rolled in a confection of your choice.  I had a cinnamon and sugar one, like the one sitting on the table.  Sweet, hot, and delicious.

A little boy was trying to imitate his older sister who was throwing a stick up in the air and catching it like a majorette.  Pretty funny.  VIDEO  2.5 MB


After Dave and Charissa left for Budapest (en route to Warsaw, then London, then the USA), Jamie and I took a hike up the nearby hill.  We then paid for an elevator ride to the top of the TV Tower.  This was the view.  

Here is a VIDEO 5 MB of the panoramic view. 

Hiking back down.


I found this little critter on the trail.  

Next Page:  Zagreb


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