Florence, Italy

Michelangelo's David is seriously impressive, but especially in person.  Everyone we talked to agreed that it was much bigger than we expected.  That does not come across all that well in this picture, but it's true.


It was quite a coincidence that while we were in Florence one of our favorite bands, Radiohead, was playing a concert at Piazza Michelangelo.  We could not acquire tickets, but we were able to enjoy listening to the entire concert while laying on a blanket, on a hill, under some trees.  Thousands of other travelers and locals had the same idea.  Another coincidence is that the opening band, Low, is from Jamie's hometown of Duluth.  Above you can see the stage as well as the sheet metal walls keeping us freeloaders from watching (you can also see a copy of David).


From the picture above this one, imagine turning slightly to the right.  Here you can see the view from Piazza Michelangelo which is up on a hill.  It was quite a majestic setting for a concert.


We climbed the 463 steps of the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore for a spectacular view of the city.


Another view from the tower.


Climbing down the narrow steps.  Watch your head.


The front of Florence's duomo, the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore.

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