We drove 2.5 hours from Montreal up to Quebec City, our furthest-away point of the trip. We found our dorm lodging at Laval University, took a bus into town, found a street close off to autos, filled with food stands, crafts, and music, and then... it starts to rain. We ducked into a bar for a snack and a drink. I ordered fries covered in a pepper-brown sauce, with white cheese curds mixed in. I later found out this is called Poutine. Here are some other examples. Without knowing for sure, I imagine there are just a couple of calories in this dish...
This dude was entertaining the crowd. See him in action: video1 9.4 MB and video2 6.6 MB
Hotel du Parlement in Quebec City.
Overlooking the St Lawrence river. If you look far up the river, you can see some French fur traders paddling down. Just kidding.
The often-photographed Chateau Frontenac, now a hotel.
Quebec City's Old Town was much more like a European city than was Montreal's Old Town area.
A view from the Citadelle, of which we took a tour the next morning.
Control of Quebec City has bounced around from the Native people, to the French, to British, and even Americans have vied for control. I don't know who built this canon, but watch out.
Attack this(!), suckers.
Jamie and Don in one of the Citadelle's points.
The British built most of this massive complex. They started building in 1820 and I think it took about 10 years.
After the Citadelle, we went into the Lower Town and spent a good 3 hours in the Musee de la Civilisation. This tea pot rooster set was from Russia. The most interesting parts of the museum were the exhibits tracing the history of Quebec City, and the one detailing the struggle of the First Peoples, as they call them, and their interaction with the early Europeans, as well as with modern-day non-Native-people.
Another street entertainment group. You gotta see this video 8.7 MB Jason Rowe eat your heart out.
Last but not least, our simple, but functional and clean, dormitory room. The cool hostel to stay in the old town was booked full by the time we tried to make a reservation.
Next Page: Tibbett's Point Lighthouse, NY