In going through some boxes of old stuff my parents had been storing at their house all these years, I found some pictures I thought some of you would like to see.

Brothers don't shake, brothers gotta fight!  Brian terrorizing Don at Cornerstone 1991.


Jerry and the old noodle-through-the-nose-and-mouth trick.  CStone 91.


Katie and Dave take a break from the Osborn FL vacation, 1991.


Anna and Dave, FL 1991.


Katie, Anna, Mom, Brian at Disneyworld 1991.


Anna and Katie.


Even at a young age, Katie was perfecting her sass.


Mom and Dad on the plane home from FL, 1991.


A bike trip in 1989 I believe.  Taken at Wood Lake Camp, Grantsburg, WI.  The late Len Carlson (front, center) lead these trips for many years.  I went on at least two of them and always had a great time.


Don and Jeremy.

Old Pics page 2