Beer Name:    Cream Lager/Classic American Pils (Cream ale recipe with lager yeast)


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:          8 lbs Rahr Premium Pils

                      2 lbs maize

                      1 lb flaked rice 


Hops:            1 oz Hallterau Hersbrucker 2.2% AA  60m


Yeast:           Imperial Global Lager, washed from above. Starter made night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          01/01/22                                                                      01/11/22

Gravity:                     1.055                                                                            1.011

% Alcohol:                



- 13.75 quarts 165 > 151. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boiling > 164. 14.5 brix. Collected 3.6 gallons. Add 3 gallons 184 > 172 > ice > 168. 8 brix. Hadd 6.9 gallons 11 brix. Boiled some on stove separately to reduce volume. Ended with 5 gallons. Did not do pure O2 aeration today. Fermenting 50-54.

01/05  Took reading and it was only like 1.029 or so. It's fermenting away but kind of cool, closer to 50-52.

01/11/22  Fermented well I think. Added gelatin. Not much aroma, just some general graininess. Taste is pretty clean and light, subtle hop bitterness.  Some bite from remaining yeast in suspension so that should clear up. I think it should clear up and carbonate and be an easy winter lager drinker.




Beer Name:    Hoppy Helles


Click on pic for larger version.



VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:          10 lbs Rahr Premium Pils

                      .5 lbs Carapils

                      .5 lbs Munich 


Hops:           .75 oz Zamba 7.9% AA  60m

                      2 oz Zamba 7.9% AA   flame out, for 15 min.

                      2 oz Zamba 7.9%  AA after 15 min was down to about 184.  Add these, then wait another 15 min.  


Yeast:           Imperial L28 Urkel.  Starter made night prior.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          01/29/22                                                                      02/14/22

Gravity:                     1.058                                                                            1.010

% Alcohol:                



01/29  13.75 qts 166 > 152.  After 1 hour > 151.  Add 8 qts boiling > 164. 3.5 gallons of 14.2 brix.  Add 3 gallons of 180 > 167.  7.2 brix. Had 6.8 gallons of 10.5 brix. Boiled some on stove for a while. Ended with about 5 gallons in fermenter. Was 46-48 for first day or so, which I realized was below temperature range for this yeast. Now I brought it up stairs to warm up and hope it starts going well soon.

01/31  Had not started fermenting much. No visible foam on top at all even after 48 hours post pitching. However, it was 46-48F and the range for the Urkel is 52-58. So that was probably a factor, but the yeast starter also did not show much activity so I was not sure about the yeast.  I brought it to warmer temps on the 2nd day, and by the morning of the 3rd day it finally had some krausen. Temp was now 60. However I was still not so sure so I bought a pack of dry lager yeast 34/70 and on 02/01 I added it.  I now brought the beer back downstairs where it will hopefully be fermenting in the mid 50's for the rest of the time.

02/04  After odd start, beer was then fermenting actively around 54F.  Took reading today and it is about 1.020 so bringing it upstairs to warm up and finish. Think there is some hop aroma but also yeasty. Taste is very yeasty too. There is some bitterness prob from hop and yeast. But I think it is ok. I don't think I am getting off flavors. It's fairly bitter so I hope it won't be too bitter after it drops some more gravity points. I think a fair amt of the bitterness is probably from all the yeast in suspension. It's very cloudy. Hopefully it will be ok to harvest and use in the next batch or so.

02/14/22  This was a bit of a challenge. I see it finally fermented. Added gelatin. Getting some kind of a butterscotch note in aroma and not really happy about that. We will see if that goes away with cold conditioning. This thing had plenty of yeast so IDK if that is a result of the slow/cold start, or old yeast, or if it is something that will go away. Not much hop aroma as the other aroma is stronger. It does have a firm, green, grassy bitterness that is ok. Finishes kind of bitter. I guess if it crisps up and maybe that other flavor goes away it will probably be decent. 

02/25  Had some last night. Still getting an aroma I don't like, a kind of buttery note. By the end of the small glass I think the aroma was gone and the flavor was fine. Hopefully it will still clean up some more.

04/11/22  This beer lost some of the hop aroma punch it should have had, probably due to futzing around removing the diacetyl. But, that bad flavor is gone and the hop flavor and bitterness is left. I had a glass  yesterday and it is a nice, firm glass of hoppy lager. I think adding some bittering hops in a beer like this is the way to go. IDK if I get the bitterness I want only doing a hop stand.







02/12/22  Exchanged CO2 tank at Northern Brewer.  ~$14


Beer Name:    Surlyfest Clone Attempt

Click on pic for larger version.  HERE is a pic of the original and it looks like mine is pretty close.


VIDEO of this beer.


Grains:          9.7 lbs Vienna

                      1 lb crystal rye (might see it as cara rye?)

                      .5 lbs rye malt

                      .5 lbs flaked rye

                      .65 lbs acidulated malt

                      .75 lbs melanoidan 


Hops:            1.5 oz Sterling  60m

                      1.5 oz Sterling  0m, hop stand for 5 min 


Yeast:           Washed from above Imperial Urkel and 34/70 blend. Starter made night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          02/21/22                                                                      03/03/22

Gravity:                     1.060                                                                            1.016

% Alcohol:                



-16.25 qts 166 > 152. After 1 hour > 151. Add 2 gallons boiling > 164. 4 gallons of 15 brix. Add 3 gallons 175 > 166. 8 brix. Had 7 gallons of 12.8 brix. Boiled some in two stove pots for 45m. Put 5 gallons into fermenter. Keeping it warmer than last time (Hoppy Helles) and waiting for it to get started.

02/23/22  Now about 48 hours after pitching, it finally is getting a krausen. Last night I decanted and dumped in other washed yeast jars. It was bubbling in airlock some, but still no krausen. Swirled several times a day. IDK what is up with this yeast. I see it is about 52, so at the lower end of the range but still not as cold as Hoppy Helles. Hopefully it will just get going good now and ferment fully with no off flavors.

02/25  1.038.  Still couple inches of krausen. I guess it is fermenting but not ready to bring up stairs. It's right at about 52 which is lower end of yeast range. Taste is pretty malty, yeasty, with some hop bite. Or maybe that's just the yeast. Off flavors? I don't think so.

02/27  1.020. Brought it upstairs. Hopefully it's not too late. Tastes more like beer than couple days ago. Lingering bitterness again (yeast?) Not sure what to make of it. I can't say that at this point it is clear that it's going to be good. Maybe the rye is giving it a unique flavor. It will have to finish fermenting, get cleaned up, and we'll see.

03/03  Some hop aroma I think. Taste is a lot better now. Little bit of bitterness and I think maybe a tangy, spicy character from the rye. Not getting any kind of off note, that at this point I am still getting for a while on the Hoppy Helles. It's in the aroma, and not really in the taste. It also goes away after a bit, but I'm hoping it will totally go away. This is tasting pretty good and I think with a little time it should be nice. How it compares to Surlyfest will be something that some of us will have to speculate on. But otherwise it's a reddish rye lager.

04/11/22  Not a bad first attempt but not the real Surlyfest. It def needs a bigger hop aroma and flavor. So I'm thinking that some kind of dry hop is needed, either during primary fermention, or after, or both. I suppose that would be what I'd do next. Also as Chip pointed out, it could probably stand just a little lower FG. Not sure how to accomplish that other than using better, fresher yeast. This was the washed Urkel (and 34/70) yeast that gave me trouble with the Helles. Most likely if I just had normal, healthy washed yeast and made a starter it would go lower. Or it could also be the that the types of grain used just prevent that. But either way I would have better yeast. It turned out to be a unique and flavorful rye lager. The rye does come through and gives it some nuanced spicy flavor that would not be in an all malt beer.




Beer Name:    Nobility German Pils


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:       11 lbs Rahr Premium Pils


Hops:           1 oz Nobility hop blend 5.3% AA  60 min

                     2 oz Nobility hop blend 5.3% AA  hop stand, 15 min


Yeast:           Imperial L26 Pilgrimage Lager, starter made night before



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          04/09/22                                                                      04/23/22

Gravity:                     1.056                                                                            1.008

% Alcohol:                



-13.75 qts 168 > 156 > ice > 152. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boiling > 165. Collected 3.5 gallons 14 brix. Add 3 gallons 186 > 170 > ice > 168. 7.5 brix was 2nd runnings. Had 6.8 gallons of 11 brix. Boiled some in one pot on stove for a while. Ended with 5 gallons. Aerated with Pure O2 but regulator is finally kind of dying so it was just kind of "on" when hooked up to new tank. Will either have to deal with it as is or get a new one. Fermenting after 24 hours at around 46F or so. Good healthy and fast looking start, better than the Urkel above.

-04/13  Fermentation started much better this time and was actively going for sure by 24 hours later. It was in the upper 40s for temp. Today I took a reading and it is only down to 1.035. Moved it out of cold closet so it might warm up a couple degrees.

-04/15  Well this is kind of annoying. I brought it out of the cold room so then it was like 55 or so.  Today it is already down to 1.012 or 1.013.  I thought it might still be in the 1.020s.  So I brought it upstairs.  Hopefully it still at least has a couple more points to drop. Taste is good though. Has a nice hoppy flavor with the yeast bite. So after the yeast is gone, it should be nice.

04/23/22  Added gelatin. Glad it dropped a few more points.  I don't think it tastes of any diacetyl. Put the yeast slurry into two jars and might wash them. Kind of a spicy, peppery hop flavor. Seems like it should be just fine.

06/01/22  Just shot tasting notes video. This beer came out nice. No off flavors. Hops provide lemony aroma and taste with peppery spice, kind of ala Saaz.




Beer Name:            Big Brew Day Wheat Hefe -wort brewed by The Lab


VIDEO on this beer.



Click on either pic for larger version.






Yeast:                     Imperial Stefon, pitched about 80% of the pack directly into wort.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                         05/07/22                                                                      05/11/22   

Gravity:                    1.048                                                                           1.011

% Alcohol:                





.05/11   seemed like it was done fermenting couple days after pitching.  Got up to 77 at one point.  Banana in aroma.  Banana in taste but also with perhaps a lemon or grapefruit note from the hops. Pretty good for 4 day old beer.

06/28/22  Shot tasting notes. Tasting great. More banana than clove but not a banana bomb. Balanced. Nice job on the wort and the yeast did a fine job too.







Beer Name:      Summer IPL (IPL fermented slighly warmer)

Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:             5 lbs Rahr premium pils (what was left of the sack)

                          7 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                         .5 lb Carastan 30-40L

                         .5 lbs Carapils 


Hops:               1 oz Chinook 10.3%  60m

                         .5 oz Warrior 17.2%  15m

                         .5 oz Warrior 17.2%  flame out, hop stand for 15m 

                         1 oz Chinook 10.3%  flame out, hop stand for 15m 


Yeast:             Imperial Pilgramage Lager, starter made night before from washed yeast from above.


Misc:              2 cups white sugar.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          05/30/22                                                                     06/13/22

Gravity:                     1.066                                                                           1.007

% Alcohol:                



- 16.25 qts 164 > 153 > ice > 151. After 1 hour > 149. added 8 qts boiling > 163. Collected 3.8 gallons 15 brix. Added 3 galons 178 > 168. 2nd runnings were 7 brix. Had 7.25 gallons 11 brix. Boiled some in two diff pots for 45min while main boil was going. Ended with 5 gallons. Feel like I did not get as much gravity out of the grains as I'd want considering I prob got 7-9 points out of the white sugar. I wonder if the grains lately have had lower yield or if it is something with my system. The crush seems to be normal.

- room it is fermenting in is now about 67-68F depending on the outside temp. With ice jugs I have kept it about 58F for first maybe 4 days of fermentation. But then I have to leave town so I assume it will rise to the upper 60s while I'm gone. Even 58F is a little outside the upper end of the temp range of 44-56, so it is kind of an experiment to see how this turns out.

06/06  Got back from being out of town (left on 06/02 and that was the last morning I could put fresh ice jugs around fermenter). Beer was only up to 62F in a room that was more like 64, so it makes me think the ice jugs kept it cool for a few more days and it is still slowly warming up. Krausen had mostly fallen so moved to warmer spot in basement so it can get to mid to uppper 60s. 

06/08  Around 1.006? No diacetyl in aroma or taste, so that's good.  Fairly bitter, some yeast bite still. Kind of ripe orange, mango flavor with pine and herbs. Grapefruit? Slightly warming, maybe because of low FG. Wonder if warmer temps for the lager yeast made it ferment even more. I think this should be ok esp when cold and clearer.

06/13  Added gelatin. Some alc in nose which is not abnormal for a beer like this, esp with this FG. No diacetyl coming through. Strong firm bitterness that lingers on finish. Reasonable malt balance. Hop flavor is nice. Will try to parce out aromas and flavors more when it has cleaned and cleared up a bit.




Beer Name:       NZ Blonde

Click on pic for larger version. 


VIDEO on this beer


Grains:         11 lbs Rahr North Star Pils


Hops:            .5 oz Pacific Jade 12.2% AA  60m

                     .5 oz Pacific Jade 12.2% AA  0m   15m hop stand

                      1 oz Waimea 17.8%  0m   15m hop stand 


Yeast:           Imperial Capri  (blend of Juice and Loki)



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          06/26/22                                                                      7/06/22

Gravity:                      1.055                                                                           1.008

% Alcohol:                



- 13.75 qts 165 > 153 > ice > 151. After 1 hour > 150. Add 8 qts boiling > 164. 14 brix, 3 gallons (?).  Add 3 gallons 175 > 168. 7.5 brix. Had 6.9 gallons of 11 brix. Boiled some in one pot for a while. Ended with just under 5 gallons. Pitched yeast with no starter and no pure O2. Fermenting in upper 60s with use of some ice jugs.

7/06  Never seemed to get above 70 even after stopped using ice jugs. Kinda flaky, murky stuff going into keg. Did not use gelatin. Aroma?  Not much. Taste is a little dry with a definite lime flavor. Maybe some green grass. Fairly dry. Hmm. Will be interesting to see if it drinks OK with carbonation. Not unpleasant. Not bursting with hop flavor or aroma but I think there is the NZ flavor there.

08/29  Took a while but this beer is now clear. Wonder if Red IPA will get clearer. This beer turned out very nice. These hops work well together. It's more complex than you'd think based on a single malt and a fairl straight forward yeast. Maybe like they say, the yeast does accentuate the hops well.






Beer Name:      Red IPA (Imperial Capri yeast and experimental hops)

Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:           12 lbs Rahr North Star Pils (or could use pale)

                         1 lb Vienna

                        .5 lb Carapils

                        6 oz Caramel/crystal 40

                        6 oz Caramel/crystal 80

                        3 oz Carafa II 


Hops:            .75 oz Pahto 16.5%  60 min

                      1 oz Vista 9.6% USDA ARS 2006009-074  flame out. hop stand for 30m

                      1 oz Cryo Pop Blend added when wort was 180F, held 15m.

                      1 oz  Vista 9.6% USDA ARS 2006009-074  added to high krausen in fermenter about 30 hours after pitching yeast.


Yeast:            Imperial Capri, washed from above, starter made night before.


Misc:               2 cups white sugar added to boil



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          07/23/22                                                                      08/02/22

Gravity:                     1.071                                                                            1.010

% Alcohol:                



- 18 qts 164 > 153. After 1 hour > 152. Add 8 qts boil > 164.  15 brix.  Stopped at 3 gallons collected cause it was going very slow. (After this, replaced stainless steel tube in mash tun). Add 3 gallons 174 > 165. 9 brix. Had 7 gallons of 12 brix. Boiled some in 2 pots on stove. Ended with 5 gallons. Aerated with pure O2. Was fermenting around 68, but got up to like 72-74.

07/31   1.010   Fermentation was mostly in upper 60s for a day or so but then was in the 72-74 range for end. Hop aroma, after all that? Maybe a little. Ooh, taste is pretty good. Layers of hop flavor. Pineapple, pine, pretty decent bitterness. Not caramely or anything which I was a little worried about. I think this will be pretty good when chilled and carbonated. Little bit of an alc note at this point. Ha, it's 8%. That might be why.

08/02   Did not pull another sample. Put a hop bag over the tubing in the keg to collect any dry hops, but for whatever reason the siphon was getting stuck.  Stuff getting on metal filter over racking cane? Had so much trouble that eventually I had the metal filter AND the hop bag off, so it was even worse than usual. This might mean more hop debris in the keg which just further annoys me about the dry hopping process. I hope this doesn't oxidize the beer prematurely.

08/29  Did the tasting video yesterday. Pretty good beer. Slight bit of caramel flavor from malt bill goes with the complex ripe orange, mango, tangerine and lime character of all the hops. I hope it will still be good in another few weeks, too.

10/31/22  This beer ran out last week and drank pretty well until the end.





Beer Name:    Jarrylo Wheat


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:         5 lbs Rahr white wheat

                     5 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                     2 oz Perla Negra 


Hops:           .25 oz Pahto 16.5% AA  60 m

                      1 oz Jarrylo 13.9% AA  flame out, hop stand for 15m. 


Yeast:           Washed Capri yeast from above. Starter made night before.


Misc:            some rice hulls to help with lautering.


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          08/27/22                                                                       09/03/22

Gravity:                      1.046                                                                            1.007

% Alcohol:                



- put new stainless steel tube in mash tun, I think the 3rd one in 17 years. Was having trouble with run off recently. Now it worked like a charm.

- 12.5 qts 163 > 151.  After 1 hour > 149. Added 8 qts boiling > 166.  3.5 gallons of 14 brix. Added 3 gallons 176 > 169.  6 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 9.5 brix. Boiled some on stove for maybe 45m.

- pitched yeast around 70.  Next morning was up to 74 and fermenting rapidly. Added even more ice jugs and got it below 70 but it is probably about done now, a couple days in.

09/03  Almost an orange, light brown color.  Aroma? Not a lot right now. Taste is all right. Lightly hoppy in flavor and bitterness. Nothing too striking but seems like a drinkable beer. Wheat character? I mean it's half wheat. I think it should be what I want, an easy drinking quick turn around beer.




09/03/22  Propane tank filled.  Took 4.0 gallons






Beer Name:      Simple Saison


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:          9 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                      1 lb flaked wheat 


Hops:            1 oz German Tradition 6.4% AA   60m


Yeast:           Imperial Napoleon Saison yeast.  Starter made night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          09/05/22                                                                        9/13/22                                                 

Gravity:                     1.050                                                                              1.002

% Alcohol:                



- 12.5 qts  162 > 150. After 1 hour > 149.  Add 8 qts boiling > 166.  14.5 brix.  3.6 gallons.  Add 3 gallons 173 > 166.  6 brix.  Had 6.6 gallons of 11.5 brix.

Did double crush grain after I thought maybe it was not fully crushed. Was fermenting by that evening. In the morning it was like 68 deg or so with ice jugs, but I have not taken them away. Room is around 74 or so. Yeast temp range is up to 78 so might see if it can climb closer to that. 

09/11/22  Gravity check.  1.002 maybe? Quite low.  Some pepper/spice in aroma and also in taste. Pretty dry but not unpleasantly so. For a 6 day old beer it drinks just fine but I might give it a few more days before kegging.






Beer Name:   Helles (first pressurized fermentation with Anvil King Chubby fermenter)

Click on pic for larger version.



VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:       10 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                    .5 lbs Carapils

                    .5 lbs Muninch 


Hops:          1 oz German Tradition 6.4% AA          


Yeast:         Imperial Pilgrimage Lager (old yeast, starger made night prior), Fermentis SafLager 34/70 also pitched



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          10/16/22                                                                      10/27

Gravity:                      1.053                                                                           1.008

% Alcohol:                



-13.75 qts 165 > 152 > stir > 151. after 1 hour > 150.  Add 8 qts boiling > 165. 14.5 brix, 4 gallons. Add 3 gallons 175 > 168.  7.5 brix.  Had 7 gallons of 10.5 brix.  Ended with little over 5 gallons in fermenter. Aerated with pure O2. Was around 64F. Next morning, still no signs of fermentation. Added another pack of the same age (9 months old) Pilgrimage lager. Later that afternoon pitched pack of 34/70. Was finally actively fermenting the next day, less than 48 hours.

10/18/22  Was figuring out the pressure system but got it dialed in just under 15 psi. Was happy to see fermenter held pressure so everything got put together right. Was 61F downstairs so brought it up stairs since it is said to be able to be closer to ale temps which will help it complete faster. Probably no diacetyl risk then either?

10/19/22  Up to 68f this am. I can hear gas coming out of the spunding valve, which is kind of fun.  Still holding just under 15 psi.

10/20   Psi dropped at some point yesterday which surprised me. After adjusting the knob I got it back up to around 15.  This am the krausen has fallen and it appears to mostly be stopped.  Psi remains around 15.  Temp had gotten to 72 so I put some ice jugs for much of the day yesterday.  Took them off in the evening.  Now it is down to 64. 

10/27  No bad aroma and maybe a positive malty one. But when releasing the pressure all of the trub got agitated back into suspension.  Ugh.  So it's going to take a while for the keg to clear up. Sample tasted yeasty for sure otherwise I think it was ok. No diacetyl. Seems like it worked but next time I would probably release all the pressure a day ahead of time.

12/27/22  Beer ran out last night. Eventually got very clear and.... did not tatse nearly as bad as it should have with the old yeast goof up AND kegging the entire trub cake. The next beer is going to turn out better I should hope. But this one shows you can goof some things up but as long as all the other practices are in line the beer could turn out OK.





Beer Name:       Half Baked Hemp Ale   (2 gallon batch)

Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:           3.5 lbs Pils

                       .5 lbs Vienna 


Hops:             1 oz Saaz 3.4% AA  60m


Yeast:           5.4 grams US 05 dried ale yeast


Misc:             "buds" from hemp plant added after boil for 15 min bud stand. Some were dried, some were picked and were "wet."


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          10/30/22                                                                      11/11/22

Gravity:                     1.047                                                                            1.004

% Alcohol:                



- 5 qts water 165 > 151. After 1 hour > 140. Lost more temp cause of all the space in the cooler? Hopefully not a problem. Add 3.2 qts boiling water > 153.  13.5 brix. Collected about a gallon. Added 1.2 gallons (about 5 qts) 190 > 176 > ice > 171.  Note, this is where I was having problems with the thermometer. I think it was starting to fail but I did not know it. I kept adding more ice cubes 1 or 2 at a time, but the temp was staying at 172-173. After adding a bunch of ice and not getting a lower reading I said screw it and just collected the 2nd runnings. Had about 2 gallons or just over in brew pot.  Added 1 more quart of water before boiling to increase volume. I think I got about 2 gallons in the fermenter but it was a challenge with some of the extra sludge in the grain bag filter.

11/25   Did tasting notes video last night. Well, it worked. It has the aroma and flavor of those buds. Sort of dank, earthy, woody, and I have gotten a minty flavor several times. It is interesting. IDK if it is a beer that you really LIKE that much but it sure is unique. Chip seems to appreciate it quite a bit. IDK if I would do it again if I had access to plants like that. Maybe.  I'm glad it worked out. 





Beer Name:          Cider


Click on pic for larger version.

Fermentables:        5 gallons juice from club buy

                                2 cups white sugar

                                2 cups brown sugar 


  Yeast:                   2 packages of 71B Narbonne



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          11/05/22                      12/03/22                                   02/08/24                             

Gravity:                     1.051 > 1.064               .994                                         .990

% Alcohol:                                                       9.2%                                      9.7%



- pitched the yeast and it was in the low 60's. If I take the lid off after a couple days I see it has foam, but not a lot of activity in the airlock. Think there is a leaky bucket sort of.

11/19/22  Gravity check.  1.004.  Will prob rack to secondary somewhat soon.  Murky, cloudy.  Just tasted the one from a year ago at .993 and this tastes way sweeter than that, almost as if it would not even need back sweetening.  So, not infected and off to a good start.  Will prob sit around for 6+ months after racking to secondary unless we drink the one I just kegged faster than usual. 

12/03/22  Wonder how it dropped 10 more points.  Or if something was off on the first reading.  Actually, it does taste different.  Huh.  It was two weeks old and now it's more like 4 weeks.  Guess it did make a difference and good to know to wait a month before racking.  Still murky and cloudy but I can tell there are 10 less gravity points in it. It's about where I'd expect it to be.  9.2% alcohol. 

02/08/24  Wow that is low. Very clear. Not "bad" but good lord it is dry. Added 3 cans of concentrate which will certainly sweeten it up, until they eventually start fermenting and it gets even stronger and drier.  :)    9.7%






Beer Name:       Robust Porter (third time brewing a recipe I created in 2014)


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:         10 lbs Briess Pale

                      1.25 lbs Chocolate (accidentally grabbed some pale choc and the rest regular)

                      1.5 lbs Munich

                      8 oz Carapils

                      8 oz Crystal/Caramel 50-60L

                      8 oz Black malt  


Hops:           1 oz Nugget 13% AA  60m

                     .75 oz Willamette 4.6% AA  30m

                     .75 oz German Hallertau 3.4% AA 30m 

                     .25 oz Willamette 4.6% AA  0m

                     .25 oz German Hallertau 3.4% AA 0m 



Yeast:           Imperial Darkness, starter made night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          11/06/22                                                                        11/16/22

Gravity:                     1.066                                                                             1.014


% Alcohol:                



- 18 qts 165 > 154 > ice > 152. After 1 hour > 152. Add 8 qts boiling > 163. Collected 4 gallons of 17 brix. Add 3 gallons 179 > 167. 10 brix. Ended with about 7.4 gallons of 12.5 brix. Boiled some in two pots for 45m. Ended with a little over 5 gallons before adding yeast starter. Aerated with pure O2. Was fermenting around 62 for a day, then maybe 64, and today I think I saw it more like 68. Started fermenting the evening after pitching.

11/13/22  Gravity check. 1.014. Huh. Lower than other 2 times but also slightly lower OG. I wonder if those 2-4 points of lower gravity are discernible. Seems a little thinner than I might have remembered. But otherwise, some hop bitterness, with the chocolate and roasty flavors. Clean overall with some some lingering acrid notes. Seems like it is off to a good start at 1 week old. Question is, do I wait to keg it [hi Chip] or just do it soon? Maybe a hint of an alc note too.





Beer Name:                Counter Weight Fest Bier  (from a Craft Beer & Brewing email.  "Following the golden path of modern festbier, this homebrew-scale recipe is closely based on Counter Weight’s GABF gold medal winner").


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:                       8.5 lbs Pils

                                    2 lbs Vienna

                                   .625 lbs Munich

                                   .188 acidulated (not sure if I needed this but I used it).  


Hops:                          .36 oz (I did 11 g) Hallertau Magnum 13.4% AA  60m

                                   1 oz Hallertau Mittlefruh  3.4% AA   10 m

                                    [not in recipe but after boil I let it cool down to 184, added in remaining Hallertau Magnum, and began chilling right away).  


Yeast:                         Imperial Global lager.  Pouch bought, made starter night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          11/26/22                                                                       12/04/22

Gravity:                     1.057                                                                            1.008

% Alcohol:                



- 14 qts 165 > 151 (think recipe said to do it at 152). After 1 hour > 150. Added 2 gallons boiling > 165. Got 3.8 gallons of 15 brix. Add 3 gallons 173 > 166.  7 brix. Started with 7 gallons of 11 brix. Boiled a gallon on stove the entire time, so over an hour, to reduce volume. Got 5.25 gallons in fermenter before adding starter. Aerated with pure O2. Was down to 57. Left in basement initially for first phase of yeast growth but will prob bring upstairs by end of day.

11/27/22   Was fermenting in the evening after pitching yeast earlier that day. Pressure had gone up to 2-3 psi. The next morning it was up to ~13 psi and still at 61F. Raised house temp to 65 so that temp will probably go up today.

12/2/22  6 days in, gravity check.  1.008.  Got up to as warm as about 69. Held around 12-14 psi entire time. Now I have been releasing the pressure, a couple days after all fermentation signs have stopped. Not overly clear yet. No off aromas. Little bit of hop aroma. Flavor is clean. Malt forward, perhaps some yeast flavor from suspended yeast, touch of hop bitterness. I mean, seems good to me. Might just keg it in a couple days.

12/04    Added gelatin.  Only 8 days old but oh well. I am not sure if aging it on the yeast helps much after it has completed fermentation and if there is no diacetyl. I need to get the next beer on tap anyway. Going to try to wash the yeast.  This one is tasting good so far.

01/01/23  This beer is only getting clear now, about 5 weeks after brew day and almost a month in the keg (with gelatin). Better late than never. The taste is very nice but I'm trying to see if it is as clean tasting as cold fermented ones. Or am I getting some other flavor from the Vienna and Munich? It's a tasty beer though and is only getting better at this point. 






Beer Name:          Cold IPA  (based on Dayblock recipe found here)


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:             11 lbs Rahr Pils

                           2 lbs flaked rice 


Hops:                 1 oz U.S. Magnum 11.3% AA  60 min

                           .7 Azaca 11.6% AA  30 min

                           .7 Amarillo 7.2% AA  10 min                           

                           .3 Azaca 11.6% AA   0 min, post boil, let sit 10m or so

                           .3 Amarillo 7.2% AA  0 min, post boil, let sit 10m or so                          

                           1 oz Azaca 11.6% AA   into fermenter as cold wort was being transferred

                           1 oz Amarillo 7.2% AA  into fermenter as cold wort was being transferred 


Yeast:                Imperial Global lager, starter made night before from washed yeast.


Misc:                 ~1 lb white sugar added during boil.


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                           12/11/22                                                                     12/24/22

Gravity:                     1.064                                                                            1.005

% Alcohol:                



12/11/22 -  16.25 qts 163 > 150. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boiling > 163.  14.5 brix.  4 gallons. Added 3 gallons 177 > 168.  7.5 brix. Had 7.3 gallons of 11.5 brix.  Boiled some in two pots for 45m or so but still had a little too much volume, about 5.5 gallons in fermenter. Was fermenting next morning downstairs at 59F.  Brought upstairs so it can start to warm up.  Pressure was building. Aerated with pure O2 on brew day. Put hops in fermenter before pouring cold wort into it. I think that is the first time I've ever done that.

12/24  Fermented well. Don't think it got any warmer than around 65. Pressure was in the 12-14 range most all of the time. Added gelatin. Piney, grassy aroma. Good flavor. Strong bitterness. Finishes fairly dry. Hint of alc note. Wow I think it might hit the mark for the style once it is carbonated and clear. 






Beer Name:          German Pils with Triumph Hops


Click on pic for larger version.

VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:               10 lbs Rahr Pils


Hops:                  .5 oz Triumph 9.7% AA 60m

                            .5 oz Triumph 9.7% AA 0m. Hop stand 15 min

                            1 oz Triumph 9.7% AA  had cooled to 190.  Added, held for 15m.  


Yeast:                 Imperial Global Lager, yeast starter made night before from washed yeast jar (that had sort of froze).



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                           12/27/22                                                                     1/14/23

Gravity:                     1.049                                                                            1.007

% Alcohol:                



Going to experiment back to a cold fermentation to see if there is any noticeable advantage in flavor or aroma to the recent warm-fermented pressurized ones.

- 12.5 qts 165 > 149. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boil > 165. Collected 3.5 gallons 13.5 brix. Add 3 gallons 174 > 167. 6 brix. Had 6.6 gallons 10.1 brix. Boiled some in one pot for 45m. Had 5 gallons in fermenter. Added pure O2.  Now sitting on floor that is 50F.

12/30/22  Was going to take a reading tmrw but figured I'd just do it quick. It's ~1.023 so I'm glad I did.  I brought it upstairs so it can slowly warm to mid 60s and finish out. Super murky, yeasty sample so hard to get much taste more than yeast but at least it seems like it is potentially good. It has been fermenting ~ 52F in the basement.

01/14/23  Let it sit around a tiny bit longer than sometimes because I have plenty of beer on tap. But it's a Saturday and I have some time so I thought I'd just keg it.  Added gelatin. Seems somewhat clear already. Taste is.... not that unique? Not much aroma. Flavor is fine but just kind of a regular, clean Pils without any particular strong unique character from the hop. Maybe that is not surprising since it has East Kent Goldings, Brewers Gold, Nugget, and Hallertau Mittelfrüh in its parentage. The other question is of cold ferment this time around vs warm, pressure ferment. It is nice and clean with no off flavors or diacetyl, maybe even cleaner than say the Fest Bier. 






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