Beer Name:    North Star Helles


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VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:          9 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                      .5 lbs Carapils

                      .5 lbs Weyermann Munich 


Hops:            1 oz German Hallertau 3% AA  60m


Yeast:           Imperial Global lager, 1L starter made from washed yeast from previous batch.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          01/01/21                                                                      1/15/21

Gravity:                     1.052                                                                            1.006

% Alcohol:                



- per Dawson I should do a step mash, so that is what I did. 8 qts 154 > 132. After 28m was 132 still. Add 4 qts boil > 150. After 40m > 148. Add 8 qts boiling > 163. Collected 3 gallons 15 brix. Add 3 gallons 173 > 165. 8 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 11 brix. Got 5 gallons. Added pure O2. Was fermenting around 48-50 for a couple days then moved to slightly warmer, 56-58.

In an effort to be better about avoiding diacetyl in finished beer I decided to take some gravity readings as this was fermenting and makes sure to bring it to a warmer temp when it is within 2-5 gravity points or so of estimated FG.

1/03 1.044

1/04 in evening  1.020

1/05 in am, 1.013-15, so brought it up then, on the 4th day of fermenting. It had gotten into the upper 50s downstairs, so maybe it was a little faster than if I had kept it in the lower 50s. In general taking a reading on say day 3 is probably a good idea.

01/15  Added gelatin to try and make it clearer faster. No diacetyl so that is good. Very clean, kind of dry and crsip almost more like a Pils. Wonder if this malt is drier than some Pils malts. Tastes very nice. Will be an easy drinking "beer" flavored beer.





Beer Name:    None More Black India Black Lager


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:          11.5 lbs Northstar Pils

                       .5 lbs Simpsons chocolate

                       .5 lbs Simpsons Crystal/Cara 30-37L

                       1 lb Carafa II

                       1.5 lb Munich

                        1 lb wheat malt 


Hops:            0.50 oz. Columbus 12.8% AA FWH
                      0.50 oz. Magnum 12.8 % AA FWH
                      0.50 oz. Magnum 12.8 % AA  60 min.
                      0.50 oz. Chinook 10.3 % AA  45 min.
                      0.50 oz. Warrior  17.7 AA 45 min.
                      0.50 oz. Amarillo 8.7 %AA30 min.
                      0.50 oz. Amarillo 8.7 %AA   after 15m was cooled to 185. added for hop stand.
                      0.50 oz. Chinook 10.3 % AA after 15m was cooled to 185. added for hop stand.
                      0.50 oz. Columbus 12.5% AA  after 15m was cooled to 185. added for hop stand.
                      0.50 oz. Warrior 17.7 % AA  after 15m was cooled to 185. added for hop stand.


Yeast:           Imperial Global, starter made from washed amt above.


Misc:             1 lb sugar


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          02/06/21                                                                      02/18/21

Gravity:                     1.080                                                                            1.014

% Alcohol:                



- this contained a step mash.  13 qts 156 > 138 > ice > 135. Held for 30m. Added 6 qts boiling > 151. Held for 40 min and it was 149. Added 8 qts boiling > 164. Collected 3.5 gallons of 18 brix. Add 3 gallons 180 > 165. 11.5 brix. Had 7 gallons of 15.5 brix.

- boiled some in two diff pots on stove to reduce volume for 45m.

-had little over 5 gallons.

-aerated for 90 seconds with pure O2.

-fermenting around 50F

02/10  1.044

02/12  1.026

02/17  1.014

02/18  Tasting really hoppy and bitter. It was at first a shock to the palate, sort of. Then you get acclimated to it. And even after several days on tap (writing a few days later) it is becoming pretty drinkable. It was well received at its debut around the campfire this past Saturday, ya. Probably try to do the tasting sooner rather than later.

03/03/21  This turned out great afterall. I wondered if it would be too bitter, but it is not. It just needed the smallest bit of aging. Chocolate, coffee, rich velvety character balanced by a firm hop bitterness and flavors of pine and grass.

03/24/21  This stuff is just great. It packs a punch but has a chocloately, coffee thick balance from the malt. Quite bitter but not too much so. It is well received by all who try it.




Beer Name

Světlé Kvasnicové - 10 Deg. Czech Lager from Mashmaker

Click on pic for larger version.
VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:          9 lbs Weyermann Bohemian Pils (they did not have floor malted)

                       .25 lbs melanoidin 


Hops:            3 oz Saas 2.3%  90m


Yeast:           Imperial Global lager, starter made day before from washed yeast above.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          02/20/21                                                                      03/02/21

Gravity:                     1.050                                                                            1.010

% Alcohol:                



- Dawson called for decoction but didn't feel like doing that. If not, he suggested 4-6 oz of melanoidin and mash at 152 for 60m.

- 12 qts 162 > 149 > pulled out some mash, heated in pot, added back in > 152. After 1 hour > 151. 

-added 8 qts boiling > 165. 14 brix. Had just over 3 gallons so not all ran out (?)  Added 3 gallons 174 > 166.  2nd runnings were 6 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 9 brix but wanted a little more for upcoming 90m boil. Ran maybe another half gallon through and boiled it on stove and then added into main boil in garage after a while. This double boil might have increased the efficiency slightly to end up with 1.050 instead of the middle 1.040s.  Aerated with Pure O2 and was fermenting that night. Now fermenting around 50F.

02/23 am  1.030

02/24 pm  1.020.  Brought to warmer temps then.

03/02  No off aroma or flavor. Decent amount of bitterness but not too much. Seems pretty clean. Should be just fine one tapped. Added gelatin.

04/27/21  Drinking great. Looks nice and clear, has that Czech Saaz flavor and bitterness but also an element of a sweet malt balance with the NorthStar. People are digging it.






03/11/21  CO2 tank exchange at NB. Was only about $13 after discount.





Beer Name:    India Pale Lager with Evergreen Hops


Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:          14 lbs North Star Pils

                       1 oz Perla Negra

                       4 oz Crystal/Caramel 60L 


Hops:            1 oz Columbus 12.8% AA  60m

                      2 oz Evergreen 8%  flame out.  Took 25m to get down to about 180F.

                      2 oz Evergreen 8%  added after 25m, held for another 15m.  


Yeast:           Imperial Global lager, washed from Czech Pils above, starter made night before


Misc:            ~1 lb white sugar added during boil.


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          03/06/21                                                                      03/23/21

Gravity:                     1.077                                                                            1.009

% Alcohol:                



- step infusion mash.  11 qts 152 > 130 for 30min. Add 6.3 qts boil, then ice > 152. After 30min or so > 150.  Add 8 qts boiling > 163.  Collected 4 gallons of 17 brix. Add 3 gallons 180 > 168. 9 brix. Had about 7 gallons of 13 brix. Boiled some on stove for about 45m. Ended with a hair under 5 gallons but yeast starter topped it off. Fermenting now at about 48F. Aerated with Pure O2.

03/10  1.060

03/12  1.037

03/14  1.029

03/16  1.023  brought up soon after this.

For whatever reason this seemed like a slower fermentation than usual. I had some washed yeast and made a starter so not sure why. Temperature was average, upper 50s I think. Eventually it finished. I believe I might have even dumped in more washed yeast into the wort to possibly help.

03/23  Pine, lemon lime aroma. Light alc burn in flavor. Mango, ripe peach flavor but pretty bitter. Seems in line with most of my IPLs (even though made with a diff process and hops).

05/24  Still drinking nice. Firm bitterness and unique hop flavor. turned out very well.




Beer Name:    Southern Aroma Steam Lager


VIDEO on this beer



Click on pic for larger version.



Grains:          10 lbs Rahr North Star Pils

                       .25 lbs Crystal 60L 


Hops:            .5 oz Pahto 16.5% 60m

                      1 oz Sourthern Aroma  0m 


Yeast:           Imperial Cablecar L04



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          04/03/21                                                                      04/12/21

Gravity:                     1.055                                                                            1.012

% Alcohol:                



-8qts 154 > 139 > ice > stir > 134 or so. After 25m > 133. Add 4 qts boiling > 145. Pulled some of mash out, heated on stove, added back in > 150. After 40m > 148.  Add 8 qts boiling > 163. First runnings 15.5 brix. Add 3.5 gallons of 177 > 168. 2nd runnings 7.5 brix.  Had 6.5 gallons of 12 brix. Boiled all in brew pot for 60m and ended with 5 gallons. Topped off with 1L starter. Aerated with pure O2. now fermenting around 56-58F. Range is 55-65 so might warm it up at some point.

04/07  1.023

04/08  brought to warmer temps

04/12  Apricot aroma? Strawberry? Taste is nice. Clean, light, bitter. Some malt. Pine? Wonder if this is like the Southern Passion hop that gives a lot of bang for the buck.



Beer Name:    Regal Lager Helles


VIDEO on this beer


This beer was very clear despite the condensation on the glass. click on pic or larger version.



Grains:          10 lbs Rahr two row (normally would be Pils but had this on hand now)

                       .5 lbs Carapils

                       .5 lbs Munich 


Hops:             11g Pahto 16.3% AA  60m (any 1 oz of a 4-5% AA hop should do. Had this on hand).


Yeast:            Bootleg Biology Regal Lager Beta strain



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          04/26/21                                                                      05/06/21

Gravity:                     1.050                                                                           1.009

% Alcohol:                



I thought lager season was at an end but saw this in my fridge. It was "best used 3 months after manufacture date" which was Dec 9. So I was about 1.5 months past that. Made a starter the day before. Was fermenting 8 hours later so hopefully it will be ok. My cold room is just cold enough still to have it fermenting at true lager temps (52 or so) for a couple days and then as per the directions I will warm it up earlier in the fermentation process but am still supposed to get a true lager result.

From Bootleg Biology: 

04/26/21  14 qts 167 > 156 > ice > 152. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boil > 166. Collect 4 gallons of 14 brix. Add 2.5 gallons 174 > 166. 7 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 11.5 brix.  Was 134 in the am. Aerated with pure O2. Got 5 gallons of wort before adding starter.

05/06/21   Fairly clear. Tastes decent. I guess sort of like a Helles but I used a diff malt. Will be easy enough to drink. I believe I added gelatin. 





04/26/21  Got propane tank filled





Beer Name:    Curt Stock Craptastic Cream Ale   Recipe from here


VIDEO on this beer.



Click on pic for larger version.



Grains:          8 lbs Rahr Pils

                      2 lbs flaked maize

                      1 lb flaked rice



Hops:         .75 oz German Hallertau 3.4%  60m

                   .25 oz German Hallertau 3.4%  0m 


Yeast:         Imperial Flagship A07 yeast pouch, pitched straight into wort



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          05/23/21                                                                      06/02/21

Gravity:                     1.052                                                                            1.006

% Alcohol:                



- 14 qts 164 > 151.  Held for 60m. Add 2 gallons boiling > 164. Collected 3.5 gallons of 14.5 brix. Add 3 gallons 176 > 168. 7 brix. had 6.7 gallons of 11.5 brix.

- no extra aeration and no starter. Was fermenting later that day. Is about 68 with couple inch krausen the next morning.

06/02/21  I mean.... it tastes like an ok decent light beer. Not very clear yet but I did add gelatin. Maybe when yeast drops out and sits in keg for a couple weeks it will be even better.  Should be ok I think. 

06/14  getting clear and tasting great. Think I get a little flavor from the corn. 




Beer Name:    Hefeweizen


Click on pic for larger version.



Grains:          5 lbs Rahr two row

                      5 lbs Rahr white wheat 


Hops:           1 oz Hersbrucker 2.4% AA  60m


Yeast:          Imperial Stefon (no starter)


Misc:            few rice hulls added into the mash after one hour.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          06/09/21                                                                      6/16/21

Gravity:                     1.046                                                                           1.007

% Alcohol:                



- 12.5 qts 163 > 152. Added rice hulls after 60m. No problems lautering. Added 8 qts boiling > 165. 12.5 brix, 3.5 gallons. Added 3 gallons 170 > 167.  6.5 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 10 brix.  No starter, no pure O2. Was gone for the fermentation but it was in the low to mid 70s (not upper I do not believe).

06/16 - Hmm. Not as much banana as last time even though everything, with the possible exception of a higher temp last time, was the same. It has more (hop? clove?) bitterness. Maybe that is some of the yeast that will drop out. It is a decent Hefe though and we will see.

08/18  Keg is getting lighter. The sulfur smell/flavor went away, as is said it will do with this yeast. Just needed a couple weeks. This turned out very tasty and drinkable. Nothing wrong with it at all, it just didn't have AS much banana as the one from a couple years ago. But it is basically what I want in this style.




Beer Name:    New Zealand Pale Ale (sort of re do of this)


Click on pic for larger version.


Grains:          10 lbs Rahr two row pale

                       .5 lbs Carahell

                       .5 lbs Carared (did not see Carastan 30-40L) 


Hops:             1 oz Pacific Jade 14.4% AA  60m

                       .5 oz Wakatu 7.4% AA  45m

                       .5 oz Wakatu 7.4% AA  30m

                       .5 oz Motueka 6.4% AA  15 m

                        .5 oz Motueka 6.4% AA  flame out.  15m hop stand.

                       1 oz Pacific Jade 14.4% AA  flame out.  15m hop stand.



Yeast:           Imperial A07 Flagship. no starter, just pitched packet.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          07/04/21                                                                       07/11/21

Gravity:                     1.056                                                                             1.006

% Alcohol:                



- 15 qts 163 > 152.  hold 1 hour.  Add 8 qts boil > 164.  13.5 brix.  Add 3 gallons of 175 > 165.  7.5 brix.  Had a lot of wort so boiled a gallon on the stove for about 45 min. I did do pure O2 aeration but did not make a yeast starter. I also used ice jugs to keep main fermentation time in the 65-68F range.  After it was done, it crept up to 174.

07/11   Yellow with orange tints.  Alc and pine in aroma.  Taste has some lemon/lime pith in flavor. Maybe could use more malt presence but it fermented pretty low. Hopefully it will be a crisp, hoppy and enjoyable drinker.  

09/24  Almost gone now. This was enjoyable enough. The hops have more of a lemon and lime character than a lot of American or European ones. I can see wanting to make a NZ beer now and then. Maybe I'll make a Pils this winter with them.



Beer Name:    Ariana Kveik

Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer


Grains:         12 lbs Rahr Two Row Pale


Hops:           1 oz Ariana 9.2% AA   60m

                     1 oz Ariana 9.2% AA    0m


Yeast:          Big tablespoon of Otterdal  yeast slurry from 2020 made in a sort of starter a few hours before pitching.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          07/24/21                                                                       08/01/21 (?)

Gravity:                     1.058                                                                            1.007

% Alcohol:                



-15 qts 161 > 151. After 1 hour > 149. Add 8 qts boil > 164. 14 brix. 3.8 gallons. Add 11 qts 181 > 170 > ice > 168. 9 brix. Had 6.9 gallons of 11 brix. Boiled some on stove for a while when main boil was going. Got 5 gallons in fermenter. Did not aerate.  Make a yeast activator starter thing with slurry on stir plate few hours before using. Fermented in the mid to upper 80s for the majority of the short fermentation. Started in the 70s for first night but it got up to 87/88 on the porch.

08/01  Orange, tangerine aroma. Lightly hoppy taste. Kind of a bitter finish but not too much. What is from yeast and what is from hops? Think it should be OK.



Beer Name:    Patersbier

Click on pic for larger version.


VIDEO on this beer.


Grains:          10 lbs Dingeman's Pils (Belgian Pils)


Hops:            1 oz German Tradition 5.7% AA  60m

                      1 oz Saas 2.7% AA 0 min 


Yeast:           Imperial Triple Double B48.  No starter.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          08/15/21                                                                      08/27/21

Gravity:                      1.051                                                                            1.005

% Alcohol:                



- 12.5 qts 165 > 155 > ice > 152. After 1 hour > 151.  Add 8 qts boil > 165. Had 3 gallons of 14.5 brix. Add 3 gallons of 179 > 168. 7.5 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 11 brix.  Did not aerate or make a starter. It did take longer to start and was well over 24 hours before active. Using ice jugs to keep it in the 65 to 68 range.

08/27  Kept it below 70 for vast majority of fermentation, more like 66-67. Pils malt on the nose. Cloudy now but did add gelatin. Kind of dry, maybe more so than other times I've made it. Will have to check the FG before. Not bad. No off flavors. Hopefully it will clear up and maybe be a crisp, dry beer.








Beer Name:    Belgian-ish IPA


Click on pic for larger version.

VIDEO on this beer.

Grains:          13 lbs Rahr Pale two row

                       .5 bls Carapils

                       .25 lbs Med Crystal 


Hops:             1 oz Columbus 14.8% AA  60 min

                       1 oz Simcoe 12.9% AA  30 min

                       1 oz Centennial 8.2% AA  - 0 min.  hop stand for 15m.

                       1 oz Columbus 14.8% AA  - 0 min.  hop stand for 15m.

                       1 oz Simcoe 12.9% AA    - 0 min.  hop stand for 15m.




Yeast:           Washed Imperial Triple Double from above. Starter made night before.


Misc:           2 cups white table sugar


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          09/18/21                                                                      08/28/21

Gravity:                      1.070                                                                          1.008

% Alcohol:                



- 17 qts 163 > 152.  after 1 hour > 151.  Add 8 qts boiling > 163.  14.5 brix, 4 gallons. Add 2.5 gallons 180 > 166.  2nd runnings = 8.5 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 12.5 brix.  Aerated with pure O2.  Used ice jugs so most of fermentation was around 65F.  At end got up to like 68-69. 

09/28/21  Light alc in aroma, peach, nectarine. Taste is bitter, lightly warming, pine and ripe fruit. Mango, orange. Needs minute to settle and mellow out and should be good.

10/11/21  Had Dawson over for video notes. This beer is solid and drinks very similarly to my IPLs with just a tiny bit of subtle difference from Belgian yeast. The hop combination is really good. Fruit flavors with pine and bitterness.

11/30/21  This beer recently ran out and it was very good to the last glass, much like all of my IPLs. I think not dry hopping a beer helps it stay better tasting for a longer period of time.






Beer Name:    Brown Porter  (from Jan/Feb 2021 Brew Your Own)


Click on pic for larger version.

VIDEO on this beer.

Grains:          8 lbs Maris Otter

                      2 lbs Brown malt

                     .3 lbs Black malt 


Hops:           1 oz Kent Goldings 5.6% AA  60 min


Yeast:          Imperial House A01



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          10/09/21                                                                        10/13/21

Gravity:                     1.052                                                                              1.012

% Alcohol:                



13 qts 165 >156 > ice > 152. After 1 hour > 150. Add 8 qts boiling > 166. 14 brix. Collected 3.5 gallons. Add 3 gallons 174 > 168. 6 brix. Had 6.5 gallons of 10.5 brix. Boiled 10 min before adding hops. Had 5 gallons in fermenter. No extra aeration or  yeast starter. Fermenting 68-70 with using ice jugs in basement that is about 70.

10/13  seemed like it was done.  No activity at all and krausen had completely fallen. Ariana Kveik ran out last night so.... kegged this.  Some nutty, burnt toast in aroma and also in flavor. A little bit dry and glad it did not go any lower but certainly not in need of sweetening. I think it will be ok. Maris otter? I mean it's there but this is not drinking like any kind of overly sweet beer, for sure. Hopefully it will be decent.

12/01/21  The video sums up my thoughts. It is a solid drinker. Hard to say if it is something that would come to mind to brew again. I would not mind it having a little more body and or malt sweetness. Maybe that is how I'm used to drinking brown malt (i.e. imperial brown ales with more hops and body). But I think this made a good example of what this kind of beer is supposed to be.





Beer Name:    Steamin Wife Session IPL -No boil hop beer.

Click on pic for larger version.

 VIDEO of this beer.



Grains:          10.5 lbs Rahr two row pale

                       .5 lbs Medium Crystal 


Hops:             2 oz Sequoia 10.8% AA hop blend at flame out for 15 min.

                       2 oz  Sequoia 10.8% AA hop blend, 15 min after boil and held for another 15 min


Yeast:            Imperial Cable Car



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          10/23/21                                                                      11/04/21

Gravity:                     1.053                                                                            1.011

% Alcohol:                



-14 qts 163 > 150. Pulled some and heated it up on stove > 155 > ice > 152. After 70 min > 147. Add 8 qts boiling > 163. Collect 3.75 gallons of 13.5 brix. Add 3 gallons of 180 > 168. 7 brix. Had 6.7 gallons of 11 brix. Was 134 in am. Boiled some on stove for 30 minutes. Had 5 gallons in fermenter. No starter or pure O2 aeration. Fermenting around 60F.

10/27  ~ 1.020 so brought it upstairs. Sample has nice mango type aroma. And some pretty firm bitterness even with this much sugar left. Hope it is not too bitter but should be ok.

Keg 11/04. Aroma - mango, peach. Taste - not too bitter but some grassy bitterness in finish. Ripe fruit, juicy flavor. Maybe it's the pine that is coming through at the end. Seems like it should be nice.

Jan 2022 - this beer ran out recently and was tasty up to the end, maybe even better still. That seems to be the case with lagers and why I try to not drink them too fast. Only complaint about this beer is it could have also maybe used the tiniest bit of additional bitterness, maybe from a small hop addition at 60m or even 30m or something. It seemed to get crisper and perhaps more bitter with time, though, and maybe was even more bitter and nice after the tasting notes were shot.






10/28/21  Got propane tank filled. Took 2.9 gallons after 8 batches.






Beer Name:    Cider


Click on pic for larger version.



Fermentables:   5 gallons apple juice from club buy


Yeast:               Imperial Independence A15 and 71B Narbonne


Misc:                2 cups white sugar

                          2 cups brown sugar.


Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          11/06/21                      12/15/21                                   11/19/22

Gravity:                     1.053 > 1.070              .995                                          .993

% Alcohol:                



- just pitched a pack of Imperial yeast and it started fermenting soon.  However on 11/10 it is only down to 1.060 so I pitched a packet of 71B.

- added 1 tsp Fermax on 11/12, 11/13.  Took a taste and it is fermenting better now.  Hopefully will get done eventually.

- 11/15 added 1 tsp Fermax, for 3 total. Seems to be going well enough now so prob don't need more. Will take a gravity reading at some point.

-11/22  only down to 1.020.  IDK if I should let it keep fermenting slowly or pitch the 2nd packet of 71B. Makes me regret deviating from my normal, solid process.

12/15  .995  Good, it finally got down to where it should be. I did not pitch the 2nd packet of 71B, so it was the Independence and then 1 packet of that. Taste is roughly what I normally get with perhaps a slightly different, thicker taste? I know that is not a taste but I wonder if the Independence produced some kind of character that is diff than the super clean, dry, thin result of the 71B.  It has alc in the aroma and taste, so some mellowing will be good. I still have 5 gallons from 2020 to keg once the current cider runs out, which I think will be fairly soon.

11/19/22  added 3 cans of apple juice concentrate.  No sorbate.  Stirred gently to mix.  Funny cause now it is clear but the one I had on tap really never got clear. It just ran out (from 2020, two years old).  This one is awfully dry.  Definitely a candidate for sweetening. It will probably drink a little too sweet for a while until it comes into balance.

8/01/23  Still drinking and enjoying this.




Beer Name:    Still Smokin' Rauchbier


Click on either pic for larger version. Second pic by Chip.


VIDEO of this beer.



Grains:          5 lbs Weyermann rauchmalt

                      5 lbs Barke Vienna

                      2 lbs Briess Cherrywood smoked malt 


Hops:             1 oz German Tradition 5.7 % AA  60m


Yeast:           Imperial House A01, washed from above, starter made night before.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          11/20/21                                                                     11/26/21

Gravity:                     1.053                                                                           1.008

% Alcohol:                



- 15 qts 169 > 154. Wanted to mash high so maybe it won't ferment as low. After 1 hour > 151. Add 8 qts boiling > 166. Collect 3.5 gallons of 14 brix. Add 3 gallons 176 > 167.  9 brix second runnings. Had 6.5 gallons of 12 brix. Ended up with a little over 5 gallons in fermenter even before pitching yeast starter.

- fermenting in basement around 66F. 

11/26    Some smoke character, kind of a bacon aroma and taste. I guess it is there. The wort was not overly smokey but now it is. Fermented lower than I wanted (mashed high and did not do extra aeration) but thankfully it is not drinking too dry, at least at this point w/o carbonation. I guess it will be approximately what I was going for.

01/10/22  This beer is nearly out and is actually better now than it was at time of tasting video. It's matured into a complex smoke character with perhaps a little more smoothness. It's rick and fairly smokey. Surprised to  see how low it finished even with mashing at 154. It's going to run out any day now but wanted to make note that it got better with some additional age and I think the Cherrywood does add some complexity.











Beer Name:    New Zealand Pils

Click on pic for larger version. 


VIDEO on this beer.



Grains:          10 lbs Rahr Premium Pils

                       8 oz wheat 


Hops:             1 oz Motueka 4.7% AA  60m

                       1 oz Waimea 17.8% AA  flame out

                       1 oz Pacific Jade 11.7% flame out 


Yeast:           Imperial Global L13, starter made night before



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          12/06/21                                                                      12/16/21

Gravity:                     1.052                                                                            1.009

% Alcohol:                



- 13 qts 165 > 155 > ice > 150. After 1 hour > 147. Add 8 qts boiling water > 163.  First runnings 14 brix. Add 3.5 gallons 183 > 172 > ice > 168. 7 brix.  Had 6.5 gallons of 10.5 brix.

- aerated with pure O2.  Did not really start for a little over a day later but now is going well at 48F.

12/10  in the morning, 1.024.  So maybe bring upstairs tonight or in the morning maybe? 

.12/16  added gelatin.  Hop aroma? Taste is almost a little dank. Maybe that is kind of the pine. Suppose there is some lime zest, decent amt of bitterness w/o being too much. I think this should turn out pretty well.

01/09/22  Did tasting notes with Chip. This has gotten nice and crisp. Has some lime zest notes with pine and perhaps grapefruit/tangerine. Chip thought apricot or peach. It came out very nice and is a fun twist to the German/Czech pils I usually make.

- Gone now but this was good to the last drop, which was mid-February. So like usual these beers are drinking good for two months. I've learned these lagers get better after a couple weeks on tap, so it's beneficial to not drink them too hard right away.







Beer Name:    Sterling Pounder Maibock From MashMaker

Click on pic for larger version.



VIDEO on this beer.




Grains:          11 lbs Rahr Premium Pils

                      1 lb Weyermann Munich

                      1 lb Carahell 


Hops:            1 oz Sterling6.4% AA  60 min

                      1 oz Sterling 6.4% AA  15 min 


Yeast:           Imperial Global Lager, washed from above. Starter made night prior.



Brew Date:                Rack to Secondary:               Keg Date:


Date:                          12/21/21                                                                      12/29

Gravity:                      1.056                                                                           1.013

% Alcohol:                



- 16.25 quarts water 165 > 152. After 1 hour > 150. Add 8 qts boiling > 163.  15.5 brix. Collected 4 gallons.  Add 3 gallons 174 > 165.  7 brix.  Had a bit over 7 gallons of 12.5 brix. Boild some in two pots on stove and got it down to about 5 gallons in the end. Surprised the gravity wasn't a little higher. Not really sure what happened with that. Didn't think to try a different hydrometer.

12/25  About 1.025 so maybe will bring upstairs in the morning. Glad I didn't miss my chance when being out of town for Christmas.

12/29  Fermented mostly in the 52-55 range. Brought up to low 60s for last 3 days of end. Tastes.... like a Maibock. Mostly semi sweet from the Pils and a bit of Munich. Light hop bitterness. Not much hop aroma. It's pretty good. No off flavors or diacetyl.







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