Malt Extract: 6.6 lbs wheat malt syrup
Hops: 1 oz Styrian Goldings (60 min) 4.4 AA
1 0z Saaz 3.0 AA (1 min)
Misc.: 1 oz. Coriander Seed (10 min)
1 oz. Bitter Orange Peel (1 min)
Yeast: Wyeast #3944 Belgian Witbier Yeast. (1/2 gallon starter from XL smack pack)
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 05/08/03 05/17/03 06/11/03
Gravity: 1.050 1.013 "
% Alcohol: 6.5 1.9 "
% Sugar: 12 3.5 "
Temp of reading: 68 68
05/08/03 Jeff Zupfer and Robert Harvieux joined Jeff Gauss and I.
Tried cold pitching. Put yeast starter in fridge about 5:00. Also, first time I aerated with my aquarium pump. Probably only ran it 5 minutes or so because foam was up to mouth of carboy.
Pitched at 9:30 pm and by 6:00 am I already had bubbling in blow-off tube.
05/17/03 Robert H came over to watch the transfer. Still bubbling every 5 seconds but fermentation is done. Wonderful citrus tangy aroma. Taste is good too. Little more bitterness than expected. Might mellow a touch. Shaping up to be great. Glad it fermented all the way.
06/11/03 w/Jeff. Taste same. Shaping up to be a good beer. Will try one before I leave on my trip.
(later) This is nearly gone now. It was a great summer beer. We really liked it. A unique taste that was very enjoyable.
Name: English Style Summer Ale
(Zymurgy recipe)
.5 lb Crystal (20 deg. L.)
Malt Extract: 3.3 lbs Briess Wheat Malt Extract (recipe calls for 2.0 lbs)
3.0 lb (less 1 cup used for starter) Extra Light Muntons DME (recipe calls for 2.25 lbs)
Hops: 1 oz. Northdown pellets 7.6% alpha (recipe calls for .8 oz 8.8% whole hop) 60 min.
.75 oz 6.1% alpha acid Kent Goldings -
10 min
.25 oz Kent Goldings -dry hop in
Misc.: .5 lb Brazilian rapidura was omitted because I could not find any.
Yeast: 1275 Wyeast. Thames Valley. Pitchable shampoo tube. Made .5 gallon starter 2 days prior.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 05/26/03 Memorial Day 06/03/03 06/22/03
Gravity: 1.050 1.013 "
% Alcohol: 6.5 1.9 "
% Sugar: 12 3.5 "
Temp of reading: 64 64
05/26/03 Brewed by self. Bought all ingredients at Midwest Homebrew Supply. Used more malt extract (liquid and DME) than recipe called for but omitted rapidura sugar. OG was slightly higher than targeted 1.040. Hopefully won't be too under-hopped. I'm sure it will be fine.
Pitched yeast at 12:00 noon and by 6:00 p.m. had bubbles beginning to form on surface. I aerated with aquarium pump, let bubbles settle, and aerated again.
06/03/03 Added .25 oz hops to secondary. Almost forgot I had them in freezer. J
Basically no aroma. Taste is different. Kind of sharp and crisp. A little malty, bitter, with a faint wheat taste. I have to say, it is somewhat unlike most other beers I've tasted. This could turn out well after a little more aging and then carbonation. Won't know until after Europe.
Sept 2003 This one is gone now. It was ok but never did get to be like I had hoped. I would not make it again. Some days it tasted quite good, other days did not hit me right.
Name: Extra Pale Ale ( NB Kit
1 lbs. Dingemans Caramel Pils
Malt Extract: 6 lbs. Gold Malt Syrup
Hops: 1 oz. Chinook (60 min) 10.6 alpha acid
1 oz. Cascade (1 min) 6.3 alpha acid
Yeast: Wyeast #1056 American Ale Yeast. Used XL smack pack. Smacked night before at 9 pm and it had swelled nicely. Did not make a yeast starter.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 07/22/03 7/29/03 08/14/03
Gravity: 1.044 (s/b 1.040) 1.014 1.011
% Alcohol: 6 2 1.5
% Sugar: 11.5 4 3
Temp of reading: 70 72 70
07/22/03 Brewed with Jeff. Aerated with pump two times. Put down in corner basement room that is currently 70. Hope it does not get too warm. Will use Rubbermaid tub and water and ice if need be.
07/29/03 Tastes like it should I think. Of course, this beer is much better a little cold. Malty smell. Nice hop flavor with good malt body. Think it's turning out well (and like Paul's).
08/14/03 Tasted great. Can't wait for it to carbonate and be a little chilled.
09/11/03 It's carbonated, but somehow got a big of a sharpness, an edge. Possibly an off flavor? I can't identify it or figure out why. Since bottling I have replaced my tubing and my spigot. Maybe some bacteria in those that sanitizing would not take care of. It's drinkable, but doesn't taste quite like it should.
Grains: 0.125 lbs. Beeston's Chocolate
0.25 lbs. Crisp Amber Malt
0.25 lbs. Crisp Brown Malt
Malt Extract: 3.3 lbs. Amber Malt Syrup
1 lb. Amber Dry Malt Extract
1 oz Kent Goldings 6.1 alpha acid (normally would be 1 oz Fuggle but I needed some hops for my coffee pot brew, so I got a little stronger % recommended by Chris F.
XL Smack Pack 1275 Thames Valley smacked 24 hours before.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 07/30/03 08/05/03 08/17/03
Gravity: 1.030 (s/b 1.032) 1.011 "
% Alcohol: 4 1.5 "
% Sugar: 8 3 "
Temp of reading: 64 72
08/05/03 Kind of a specialty grain aroma. Somewhat hoppy/grainy taste. Not all that sweet. An interesting beer. I would think that matured, and carbonated, it might be nice. It will certainly not be that strong.
07/30/03 Brewed by self for Jamie's classroom book fundraiser. Pitched yeast at 64 degrees. Aerated two times with aquarium pump.
09/05/03 Almost 3 weeks in bottle and hardly carbonated at all. WTF? Hope it comes around, otherwise might put it in keg at some point and force carbonate it.
10/05/03 It did finally carbonate after about 5 (!) weeks. And, it all got drank last night at the Fundraiser. It was well received and I ended up liking the taste. I saved just 2 22oz bottles for later.
Beer Name: Experimental Coffee Pot Brew
1.4 cups Crisp Maris Otter malt
Malt Extract: none
Hops: few pellets from Kent Goldings 6.1%
Yeast: Brewer's yeast (dry)
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 07/30/03 none 08/09/03
Gravity: n/a
Thought I would give this a try (see link above). Went fine until I put grains into filter and recirculated wort first time. It was not draining well at all. It was stuck.
So I used a funnel and my reusable grain bag to hold the grains. I poured the wort and one addiction cup of sparge water each time through the grains. I did this until I had about 8 cups or one half gallon.
Then I started the boil. Boiled for 45 min.
Cooled to 75 degrees. I only ended up with about .25 gallon (?) so I added some more water to get to about .5 gallon. I figured this is what I normally do. Bad idea?
Pitched one half of the rehydrated yeast. We'll see how the heck it turns out!
So far it has not gone entirely to my taste. I wish I could have done more in the coffee pot. And how did so much evaporate? It was not a big investment and I thought it would be fun to try.
08/09/03 Never really noticed any signs of fermentation. Have no idea if any even took place.
Interesting aroma - smells like bread yeast when sitting in water rehydrating. Murky, light brown color. Taste is sharp, that of grains. Very slightly sweet. Faint hop bitterness. Taste is not very good. But what the heck, we'll see if it carbonates and how it tastes then. To carbonate, I tried to get about 1/10 of the normal priming sugar. Boiled in a few ounces of water. Dumped it via funnel into gallon jug. Then used funnel to pour beer into 5 bottles.
Name: Belgian Trippel (NB Kit)
Click pic for larger version.
0.5 lbs. Dingemans Caramel Pils
6 lbs. Gold Malt Syrup
3.3 lbs. Gold Malt Syrup
1 lbs. Clear Belgian Candi Sugar
Hops: 1 oz. Northern Brewer (60 min) 7.1%
1 oz. Saaz (1 min)
Yeast: Wyeast #3787 Trappist High Gravity. Made .5 gallon starter from XL smack pack 2 days in advance. Aerated twice with pump after pitching.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 08/14/03 08/21/03 09/11/03
Gravity: 1.075* 1.024 1.018
% Alcohol: 10* 3.3 2.5
% Sugar: 19* 7 5
Temp of reading: 76 73 72
Notes: 08/14/03 brewed with Jeff. Also bottled EPA during boil.
Sample taken from about 4.8 gallons, before .4 gallon yeast starter was pitched.
08/21/03 Geez. Gravity was higher than I'd thought. Had fast start to fermentation and tons of blow off in bucket. Was fermenting always between 70-74 deg. Wonder if it will go lower?
Color is pure caramel, a little darker than I'd hoped. Alcohol, tangy aroma. Taste has alcohol warmth, sweet Belgian bite. I guess so far so good. Still has some fermenting to do I think. Might have to pitch more yeast if it does not finish.
09/04/03 Gravity readings: 1.018 Alc: 2.5 Sugar: 5 So it has come down some more. It's probably done. Nice Belgian/alcohol aroma. Taste, wow, warming, sweet, delicious. Reminds me of Dubbel.
09/11/03 Now it's bottled. Now we wait.
06/27/04 Split a bottle. It has always been good, but
now after 10 months it is better than ever, much smoother and mellower.
Too bad I hardly have any left.
Beer Name: Anchor Porter Clone (Zymurgy July/Aug 2003)
Grains: 1 lb Crystal 80 L
.75 lb Chocolate
.25 Black Patent
2 oz Roasted Barley
Extract: 6 lb LME Pale
3 lb Laaglander Light DME
Hops: 1 oz Northern Brewer 7.1 AA 60 min
1 oz Cascade 6.6 AA 45 min
Yeast: White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast. Made .5 gallon starter 2 days ahead.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 08/27/03 09/04/03 09/15/03
Gravity: 1.078 1.030 1.035*
% Alcohol: 10.5 4 4.8
% Sugar: 20 7 9
Temp of reading: 70 70 70
08/27/03 Robert and Mike attended for a spontaneous mini-bate. Tried Anchor Steam, Full Sail Amber, Robert's Brown, Mike's IPA and first taste of his Licorice Stout. Tried my ESA and EPA.
Gravity was a little higher than expected. Accurate sample? We'll see.
09/04/03 Man is the gravity high. Weird. It fermented like nuts. I had it in a water/ice tub to keep temp down. Temp stayed 68-70. Don't know why it isn't done, like Trippel. But Trippel has come down a little (see its entry) and hopefully this will too. Aroma is great - roasted grains, coffee, with touch of alcohol. Taste is strong, with grain edge and burnt malt. Pretty good so far.
(CMikk tells me that the grains added some non-fermentable gravity points to this and he would expect it to end up around 10 points higher than otherwise).
09/15/03 * Gravity went up? Good grief. I know this sample is pure. Who knows. It's not fermenting any more so gotta bottle it. Taste is very good. Sweet, roasted, full mouthfeel (due to residual sugars), and very enjoyable. Don't know WHAT is going on with gravity on this one. Hope it carbonates at a reasonable level and drinks well.
Porter - it's what's for breakfast.
Name: Scottish 70-Shilling Ale
Brew Your Own Dec. 2001
Grains: 2 oz. Baird Peated Malt (from first batch up above. NB guys said it smelled fine).
5 oz. Carapils
5 oz. roasted barley
Extract: 6 lbs. NB Pale Extract (used Amber the first
Hops: 1 oz Kent Goldings 6.1% AA (used 1 oz. Cascade 5.8% alpha first time)
Yeast: Edinburgh Ale Yeast (White Labs). Made .5 gal. Starter Aerated with pump 2 times.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Keg date:
Date: 09/04/03 09/11/03 09/25/03
Gravity: 1.050 1.019 1.019
% Alcohol: 6.5 2.75 2.75
% Sugar: 13 5 5
Temp of reading: 70 74 70
09/04/03 Brewed this batch to be first for keg. Just got free fridge (haven't even plugged it in yet). Liked recipe from 1.5 years ago so basically made same thing, except tweaked malt extract and hops. Did not pitch entire starter. Decanted most of the liquid then pitched all of yeast. Gravity reading taken at about 4.8 gallons. Ended up with just over 5.
09/11/03 Slight smoky aroma. Taste is quite nice. Smooth, sweet, little smoky. If it keeps up like this, should be nice one for first kegged batch.
09/25/03 Put in the keg. Set at 30 psi. Rolled on lap gently for about 2 min. Put in fridge.
Name: Belgian Christmas Ale
from NB Forum
Click pic for larger version.
Grains: .5 lb chocolate
.5 lb Crystal 80 L
Malt Extract/Fermentables:
6 lbs Pale LME
3 lbs Amber DME
1 c brown sugar, 60 min
1 lb clover honey, 15 min
Hops: 1 oz. Tettnanger, 60 min
1 oz. E Kent Goldings, 10 min
Misc.: 1 oz grated ginger, 15 min
2 oranges peel, 15 min
4 sticks cinnamon, 15 min
2 tsp cardamom, 15 min
1 tsp allspice, 15 min
1 tsp cloves, 15 min
Yeast: White Labs Abbey Ale 530. made 3 pint starter 2 days prior.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 09/11/03 09/23/03 11/05/03
Gravity: 1.095* 1.036 1.034
% Alcohol: 12.5* 5 4.6
% Sugar: 23* 9 9
Temp of reading: 72 70 65
09/11/03 * Gravity reading took at 4.5 gallons, before pitching yeast. Wonderful spicy aroma from sample. Wow. I hope that all does not disappear. This one could be good.
09/20/03 Took gravity reading from primary. 1.036. Still bubbling once every 20 seconds.
09/23/03 I hope it is not done fermenting but with the way things are going, who knows? I've switched to White Labs tubes, and maybe they are not as good as Wyeast. Taste is good and aroma is wonderful, full of all kinds of spices.
11/05/03 Did not finish much lower. Wonder why. Taste is pretty amazing. Lots of spices, hard to tell which ones are prominent. Belgian yeast finish. Malty presence. It's going to be good.
03/21/04 Well, it isn't what I had hoped. The maltiness got buried under the spices, and it got a bit over carbonated over time. I prefer the Holiday Cheer recipe for a winter spiced ale, and will probably make that one for 2004.
Name: Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
Click pic for larger version.
1 lb 80 L Crystal
Extract: 6 lbs. Alexandaer Pale LME
2.33 lbs Muntons Light DME
4 oz Malto Dextrin
1 oz Chinook 10.5 % AA 60 min
1 oz Cascade 6.6% 15 min
1 oz Cascade 1 min
1 oz Cascade dry hop
Yeast: White Labs California Ale pitchable tube. .5 gallon starter made 2 days prior.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle Date:
Date: 09/25/02 10/03/03 10/14/03
Gravity: 1.078 1.023 1.022
% Alcohol: 10 3 3
% Sugar: 19 6 5.5
Temp of reading: 70 70 70
09/25/03 Brewed by self. Used 3 oz hops tonight with 1 more oz to go.
10/03/03 Added hops to empty carboy and racked onto them. Why the not quite low enough gravity, again?! Getting frustrated. Next time I will shake carboy, and then use pump to aerate. Taste is hard to get. Tastes like not done fermenting. Yeasty. A little malt, a little hops. Hopefully it will taste good in the end.
10/14/03 I bottled 2.5 gallons (cut the priming sugar in half) and kegged the rest.
Some hop aroma but my glass has been sitting for over an hour. Taste is much better than before. Quite nice. Bitter, clean, slightly sweet (due to 1.022?). I think it will turn out all right.
03/2004 This one turned out great. I had a bottle last week and it still had a fresh hop aroma. Taste was strong, hoppy, and smooth. I'll make this again.
Name: Steamin' Wife Lager
Click pic for larger version.
Grains: .5 lb Crystal ~ 45 L
.25 lb Gambrinus Honey Malt (I thought I'd throw this
Malt Extract: 6 lbs Alexander Pale LME
1.3 lbs Muntons Light DME
Hops: 1.5 oz Northern Brewer 9.5 % AA 60 min
.5 oz Northern Brewer 9.5 % AA 15 min
1 oz Cascade 6.6% AA aroma
Yeast: White Labs San Francisco Lager (made .5 gallon starter 2 days prior)
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Keg Date:
Date: 10/05/03 10/16/03 11/04/03
Gravity: 1.056 1.022 1.021
% Alcohol: 7.5 3 3
% Sugar: 14 6 5.5
Temp of reading: 64 62 60
10/05/03 Only steeped grains in 1 gallon of water this time. Also, all 5 gallons of water were from Cub. Gravity readings taken at 4.8 gallons. Shook carboy a few times, and aerated with pump. Want to try to finish below 1.020 this time!
10/16/03 Not below 1.020 yet. About same as last year. Weird. Smells about the same. Somewhat bitter but clean. Taste is the same as the smell. It reminds me of last years although right now it is slightly more bitter than last. Maybe it is because I did not bump up the extract as much. Still, I like how it is right now. So far so good.
11/04/03 First batch for 3rd and final keg. Keg tested good. Also drilled hole in fridge so CO2 tank can sit outside of it. Dang this is good stuff. As before, slightly more bitter than last year but still very nicely balanced and wonderful. Should be great in a couple weeks.
Name: Cider (Mark Glewwe
got 5 gallons)
5 camden tablets 24 hours prior to adding yeast. 5 tsp yeast nutrient.
Yeast: White Labs British Ale vial (no starter)
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary: Keg Date:
Before sugar
After 2 cans *After
3 cans
Date: 11/09/03 11/16/03 12/16/03 12/16/03 "
Gravity: 1.050 1.004 1.002 1.008 1.011
% Alcohol: 6.3 .5 .2 1 1.5
% Sugar: 12 1 0 2 3
Temp of reading: 60 65 60 60 60
11/09/03 Am trying to keep it sweet so used ale yeast, did not make a starter, and just aerated by shaking carboy about 4 times. We'll see what happens.
11/16/03 The color changed quite a bit from dark
brown to light yellow. Tart and tangy aroma. Taste is sour, dry, tart. It is
not that enjoyable as is. It did not remain sweet. But Paul and I are going to
try to sweeten it. He has an idea to use juice concentrate and then potassium
sorbate to kill the yeast. I'll let him do it first and see how it works.
12/12/03 Added potassium sorbate to kill the yeast. Stirred with sanitized racking cane.
12/16/03 *Readings for after 3 cans estimated based on rate of increase of 2 cans. Actual reading not taken. After adding two cans of Old Orchard Apple Juice concentrate, taste was much better. It was drinkable, but not quite yet as sweet as commercial examples nor as sweet as Jamie would probably like it, so I added the third. The third can could be omitted due to personal taste. I did not taste it after doing so because there was no going back then but I believe it will turn out to be quite close to commercial examples only better. J
Name: Doppelbock (NB Kit)
Click pic for larger version.
1 lbs. Durst Medium Crystal
Malt Extract: 6 lbs Dark LME
6 lbs Amber LME
Hops: 2 oz Northern Brewer 60 min 7.1 % AA
Yeast: Wyeast #2206 Bavarian Lager Yeast (made starter 1.5 days prior)
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Bottle/Keg Date:
Date: 11/22/03 12/15/03 07/25/04
Gravity: *1.088 1.037 1.023
% Alcohol: 12 5 3
% Sugar: 22 9.5 6
Temp of reading: 64 60 70
11/22/03 All 5 gallons water from Cub at $.35/gallon. *readings taken at 4.8 gallons before adding last bit of yeast. Shook carboy like mad a couple times. Also used aquarium pump to aerate. Let foam run out of carboy and down side. First time I've done this.
12/05/03 Took reading before doing diacetyl rest and it was only down to 1.046 at 54 degrees. Might leave in primary for a while longer. Did a post on the forum to ask their opinion.
12/11/03 Down to 1.042 at about 50 degrees. Not really fermenting much so I put it in a warmer place where I'll leave it for a couple days and then rack to secondary. Taste is good though, developing some coffee flavors.
12/15/03 Taste still good, but did not drop low enough. I am going to read more about adding Beano because it is said to help ferment out remaining sugars over time.
12/17/03 Added one crushed tablet of Beano and put in room that is about 46-48 degrees.
01/15/04 Took readings. 1.035. Added 1 more crushed table of Beano and swirled. Also, put carboy in room where it will be 54 degrees. (calibrated reading to be 60).
02/15/04 Took readings. 1.031 calibrated to 60. Dropped 4 points in that month, which is good. Decided to leave it one more month for sure and will take a reading then. Could possibly leave as is for 2 more months. Will lager in keg and not use natural cold room. But at least gravity is dropping. Sample still tastes great. Readings at 52 deg: 1.032, 4.2, 8. Almost 8% alcohol.
04/18/04 Been 4 months on the Beano. Today's readings at 56 deg.: 1.028, 3.8, 7.5. Only dropped 3 points in last two months, so I don't think it will get much lower. I'm ready to bottle if it is safe to do so with Beano. Still have to find this out. Now over 8% alc.
04/28/04 Brought it to a room where it is 65. Will keep at this temp for a month. Heard Beano only really works when it's >65.
06/01/04 Don't know exact date but it was near the beginning of June that I kegged the beer and put it in the fridge to lager. Apparently I did not record the readings (grr) but I believe the gravity at this time was ~ 1.025 (60 deg). I guess at bottling time I can take it again.
07/25/04 Bottled 2 gallons. Used .3 cup priming sugar (.40% (of whole batch) * .75 cup). Have no way to know how carbonation will turn out (in bottles). It has been so long since brewing. It has been laagering for almost 2 months. It still had a few bubbles from carbonation from keg, even though I took keg out two days ago and have been bleeding the pressure. I let bottles sit with caps on but not sealed for about 30 min before capping. Plus, is Beano still working? Since carbonation of bottles is so unpredictable, I decided to leave most of it in the keg. I am force carbonating that now and will finally drink a glass of this beast in a few days.
Looks like the Beano did work, though. It dropped quite a bit with its help. Got the alcohol to a good level for the style. I just hope it is mostly done. I know what is in the keg will now be fine, but I am hoping I can keep the bottles around for some time, even a couple years. I'll know in a couple months how that carbonation is coming, if they aren't exploding by then.
Taste was still good, as it has been all along.
08/10/05 I have not had one of these super recently, but I have within the last couple months (one of the bottles that is). The taste is wonderful. Dark caramel or molasses, sweet and smooth. The alcohol is not especially detectable. The great news is that the bottles are not over carbonated but just right. This one turned out fine after all my stressing and Beano tricks.
Name: Oatmeal Stout (NB Kit)
Grains: 1.5 lbs. Crisp Maris Otter
1 lbs. Flaked Oats
0.5 lbs. Crisp Roasted Barley
0.5 lbs. Crisp Chocolate Malt
0.5 lbs. Simpsons Dark Crystal
Malt Extract: 3.3 lbs. Gold Malt Syrup
1 lbs. Light Dry Malt Extract
4 oz Malto Dextrin (left over from SNCA clone. Thought it might add extra creaminess)
Hops: 1 oz Chinook 10.5 % AA 60 min
*First partial mash. Mashed grain at 150 for 60 min. Poured into strainer
into bottling bucket. Sparged with 1 gallon of 170 degree water.
Yeast: Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale. Made .5 gallon starter 1.5 days prior.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Keg Date:
Date: 12/01/03 12/07/03 12/16/03
Gravity: 1.053 1.020 "
% Alcohol: 7 2.8 "
% Sugar: 13 6 "
Temp of reading: 64 64 60
Target OG is 1.042 so I'm not sure how I got over it that much. Extracted more sugars from mash? I took the reading after adding the yeast starter and whisking to aerate. Volume was just over 5 gallons. Am fermenting in the bucket as the 6 gallon carboy is full of the Doppelbock.
12/07/03 Not as sweet or as creamy as I had hoped. Actually has a little sharpness. Hope it gets a bit better.
Tastes quite a bit better today, thankfully! It is still not as sweet as I had
hoped, but it is a little smoother, with a nice roasted aftertaste. I think it
should be fine after a couple weeks in the keg.
Name: Bell's Two-Hearted Ale clone
(BYO, adapted by Chris Poel)
Click pic for larger version.
Grains: .5 lb Crystal 10 L
.5 lb Munich
.5 lb Carapils
Malt Extract: 6 lbs Pale LME
1 lb Muntons Plain Extra Light DME
~1 lb Muntons Plain Light DME
Hops: 1 oz Centennial 9.1% AA 60 min
.5 oz Centennial 20 min
oz Centennial 5 min
1 oz dry hop
White Labs 001 California Ale . 3 pint starter made 1.5 days prior.
Pitched when starter had high krausen.
5 gallons of water from Cub.
Brew Date: Rack to Secondary:
Keg Date:
Date: 12/28/03 01/03/04 1/17/04
Gravity: 1.064 1.023 "
% Alcohol: 8.2 3 "
% Sugar: 16 6 "
Temp of reading: 64 64 60
12/28/03 I have high hopes for this one. Started fermenting in 8 hours. I aerated a lot, until the foam was coming out of the carboy. Hopefully it will get to below 1.020.
01/03/04 Taste is very good. Of course, the gravity is not quite as low as I had hoped but maybe it will drop a little more. If anything, it will just be slightly sweeter and lower in alcohol than it could otherwise be.
01/17/04 Wonderful hop aroma from dry hop. Color is about right. Will have to get a real Bells 2H to compare it with. Mine might be a little clearer than the real thing. Taste is great. Fairly hoppy but nice malt presence. I'm sure this will be good and probably become a repeat.
1/22/04 Keg
was getting clogged so I racked it to 6-gallon carboy, and then racked back to
keg, leaving sediment behind. I also cut about .25" off the dip tube. Both
these steps should fix the problem.
02/07/04 This beer is very good! Color is very close. So is flavor. All who have tried it have liked it quite a bit. It will be a repeat brew I'm sure.