The Autumn Brew Review #6, October 7, 2006

Peavey Plaza, Minneapolis


First off, thanks to Mike for taking most of these pics.  Above you see the smallest selection of breweries yet.  At least that was my take on it.  The food vendor selection was for sure the lowest of any of the years.  However, attendance was still very good, so I'm not sure what is up with the food and beer selection.


Jerry and empty-glassed Don.


Mike and Adam.  Adam has been to nearly every ABR.


To the right you can see the clusterf--k of booths jammed into a tight corner.  Of course, it was some of the better booths too (Fitgers, Town Hall, Great Waters...)  Not sure why this design was tested, but it failed, in my opinion.  It was very difficult to get up in there to get samples, when there was TONS of free space on the main fountain level.


Mike, Adam.


Pete and Chris towering over the scene.


Jerry, Don.


Heather and Heather crashed the party.


James rode his bike to the event from St. Paul.  Jerry only looks stupid...




This year's sample glass was about the same as last year, I believe.


simultaneous pic part 1.


simultaneous pic part 2


Pete, Jerry, James, Don.



Jerry shines bright.


Mike is a star.


"Drink more beer or die!"


"I don't know, it just makes me feel all tingly inside."


James gets ready to bike back to St. Paul.  Jerry holds two glasses in one hand.  That's talent!

See somewhere towards the bottom of this page to see the list of beers tasted.

see you next year.

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