Auschwitz Concentration Camp,  

Oswiecim, Poland


 A reverse view of the famous "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Brings Freedom) gate prisoners walked under each day.


Since Auschwitz was a large concentration camp, there are now many buildings filled with all kinds of information, tributes, displays, sculptures, recreations, etc.  


Recreated bunks.


Some of the possessions removed from prisoners.


This wall represented a wall that existed during the time of the camp.  Between these barracks, hundreds of people were stood against it and shot.  It is a memorial today.

I took this VIDEO 2.5 MB of just one section of one hallway.  In it you can see haunting pictures of some of the victims.  In all of the barracks where there are exhibitions, the hallways are lined with thousands of pictures like these.  It kind of suggests at the enormity of what happened, as well puts a human face to the numbers.



Here is a VIDEO 3.5 MB of the camp near one of the fences. 





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