Rome, Italy


A 2000(+?) year-old street in Rome.  There were actually a handful of these around, mostly used for pedestrian traffic these days.


I'm not sure if it is legend or fact (I think fact) but this is a jail where St. Peter and St. Paul were held when imprisoned in Rome.  That hole in the floor is the toilet.  There was a grate in the ceiling through which food was dropped.  It was only about 6 feet high.  It was really something to stand in there and think about being in the jail where the two founding figures of the church had been.


Left to Right:  Jamie (sort of), Charles (France), Roberto (Italy), Tomazzo (Italy), and Wandreil (France)

We had dinner on the roof of our Rome host's apartment.  After dinner the six of us sat around, had a drink, played some songs, but mostly discussed language, culture, countries, politics, music, and had a wonderful time under the Roman sky.  The two French guys were traveling together and staying as house guests like us.  The two Italian guys are the sons of Ale and Giovanna, the owners of the place.  They are all students.


The Tibre river where the Roman sewer system once (still?) deposited the waste of Rome.  Needless to say it is not as clear as the Seine, Loire, or any other river we saw.  


A view of Rome overlooking Piazza del Popolo.

A sobering reminder of our mortality in the church Maria del Popolo. 


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