2nd Semi-Annual Booze Cruize

St. Paul, MN

June 12, 2004


Pete's stylish ride.


Heather's cruizer complete with New Belgium Brewing tires.


Mike's show stopping cruizer.


We RODE down Selby to Chang O' Haras.  (2.9 MB) 



                                                                                                "Are you shi!!ing me?

"I sh!t you not."


The first of many outdoor seatings of the the night.  Most of us had Bell's Two Hearted.




Stop #2 - Muddy Pig.



Very nice draft selection.  The big winner was Mojo IPA by Rockies Brewing Company.  I had their Singletrack Rye and it was good too.  There was also Delrium Tremens (Pete) and Wittekerke (James).


Heading down Cathedral hill to the corner of Kellogg and 7th St.


The sun begins to set.  This is pretty much the view we had from our sidewalk seating at the Liffy.


Stop #3 - The Liffy.




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