Amy Millan and band at the Turf Club in St. Paul, MN.  Sept 29, 2006

We thought she might possibly just show up with a guitar and play.  It was a nice surprise to see she not only had a band, but quite a large group.  There were 7 people on stage and produced a full sound of slide guitar, keyboard (hardly audible), bass, guitar, drums and background vocals.  

It wasn't like a well-oiled machine kicking out alt-country jams, but the band was certainly competent.  I suppose the highlight is just hearing Amy sing.  If you know Stars and some Broken Social Scene, you know her voice.  And she certainly sings well live.  So it was worth the 3/4 mile trip from my house to get down to my local watering hole for the show.






These videos are not the greatest.  I don't know if I have shot any video in this low light with my replacement camera.  I might have to change a setting but you get the idea. 

Amy_Millan_My_Way_Back_to_You.avi  4.3 MB  A nice new song.

Amy_Millan_Baby_I.avi  5.3 MB

Amy_Millan_Losin_You.avi  3.8 MB  Just Amy singing.

Amy_Millan_Lookup.avi  5.25 MB  Just Amy again on this somewhat lesser-known Stars song.